Where there are bees there are flowers
When wine is your trade and passion, it is also your reference. Recently, I have been chatting quite a bit to bakers and have noticed the similarities between bread and wine when it comes to fermentation, taste and texture. The same happens when you speak to olive oil producers and beekeepers and this week, we had a wonderful opportunity to taste honey with the same terroir as our La Motte wines. It was quite an experience.
As we are busy with renovations at La Motte estate, we found that a swarm of bees that has been living in one of the estate’s ancient oaks were becoming a danger to themselves and guests and we decided to relocate them. As we’ve been working quite closely with honey sommelier, Natasha Lyon, for a while now, we called on her expertise as well as those of Deane Woollam, an expert in removing and rescuing bees.